What we ask of you as a tenant
Your home should:
- Be your only or main place to live throughout your tenancy or you are at risk of losing your home
- Not be used to undertake any illegal activity
- Only be used to live in and not to operate a business unless we have given our written permission for this
Any business you do run must not cause a nuisance to your neighbours, otherwise we may need to withdraw our agreement. You must not display any commercial sign or notice board at your home without our permission.
You must not:
- Make any alterations to your home without our written permission, this includes, putting up a car port or installing a new kitchen / bathroom
- Keep a gas cylinder, bottled gas, paraffin, petrol or any other potentially dangerous, flammable, or explosive thing or substance at your home or in communal areas around your home. The only exception to this would be something that is required for a personal medical need for you or someone living in your home. This includes oxygen canisters, and you need to have specific permission in writing from us for this and must be stored safely within your home.
It is important that you, anyone living in your home and any visitors do not bring into or near your home, any animal that may annoy your neighbours or make them feel unsafe. You need special permission to keep some types of pets. Unless you have our written permission, you will not keep in or at your home:
- Any animal that is classed as wild or dangerous by law or by a conviction
- Any livestock (which includes but is not limited to cattle, pigs, poultry, donkeys, ponies, horses, sheep and goats)
- Any poisonous snake or other poisonous reptile or insect
- An aviary or pigeon loft
If you have a dog or more than one dog, you need to make sure the dog(s) cannot get out of your home, garden or balcony by itself, or do harm to any visitor to your home or passer-by.
We reserve the right to ask you to remove any animal we consider unsuitable to be kept in your home or which causes annoyance to your neighbours.