ForHousing and your local council: Our roles and responsibilities

We always want to help you the best way we can but sometimes issues are out of our control and are the responsibility of your local council.

Here’s a breakdown of what we can help you with and what the council are responsible for:


We’re responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of your home, commercial properties such as shops and land owned by us.

To provide you with a safe and well-maintained home

To make sure you are safe in your home, we provide you with regular safety checks. To keep up to update gas and electric compliance, visit the keeping you safe section on our website

To make sure you have an efficient and accessible repairs service when something needs fixing in your home

To work with you to investigate and resolve noise complaints and anti-social behaviour

To give you information and support on your right to buy / acquire your property

To provide you with advice and support about making improvements to and/or any adaptations for your home

To provide you with advice and guidance about a mutual exchange of your home should you wish to relocate

Your local council

Your local council are responsible for services such as education, social care, waste management, transport, and planning.

Waste – bin collection days and lost / broken bin replacements

Street cleansing – reporting of unkempt roads, pavements, and fly tipping on land not owned by ForHousing

Road maintenance and conditions such as potholes

Grass cutting – in parks, pavements and land not owned by ForHousing

Graffiti – on public buildings, monuments, benches and bins and on property not owned by ForHousing

Your council is responsible for the installation and maintenance of street lights on the roads and areas they are responsible for

Parking issues on adopted roads and other highway areas maintained by the Council

If you need to get in touch with your council, click on your area below to find out more: