You can get involved and:
- Have your voice heard on behalf of ForHousing tenants
- Give your feedback and influence positive changes
- Make a difference to how we deliver your housing services
- Make sure we do what we say we’re going to do
- Help us improve customer satisfaction and do better
You can get involved from as little as ten minutes to, two days per month, whatever suits you.
There are lots of options to get involved and you can pick a role that suits you. Depending on what you would like to do, will depend on how you get involved. This can change but we may ask you to:
- Attendance at meetings to give your thoughts and opinions, so we can learn from them
- Working together with us to draft an action plan for improvements
- Complete surveys
- Get involved in focus groups
- Make sure we learn from what you tell us and do what we promise
- You will be the voice of your community, and get satisfaction from seeing the positive changes from the work you have done
- Personal and professional development opportunities
- Your transport to meetings will be paid for
- We also give vouchers of up to £50 per year to say thank you
- A paid for annual Christmas party to celebrate the wonderful contributions you have made throughout the year
We can always do better. We would love to work with you to listen to your opinions and feelings to make positive changes based on your feedback. To find out how you can get involved, scroll down to find out more about our groups. If you’d like to express your interest to get involved, please click the button below. If you are a tenant that lives in Cheshire West & Chester, click here to see how you can get involved.
Building Safety Forum
You can join a group where you will focus on building safety in high rise homes. It will give you the opportunity to have your voice heard, give your thoughts and help us make improvements.

Community Voice
These locally based groups take place every three months in Fitton Hill, Salford and Stockbridge Village. If you become a member, you will be able to let us know the key things that are important to tenants in your neighbourhoods, hold us to account for how we deliver our services, working with Scrutiny and make important decisions about funding applications to our Community Fund.
Community Voice is open to all because we truly want to hear from everyone who lives in your area about how we can help make your community a better place to live and thrive – whether you’re a ForHousing tenant or not, you can work with us to make a difference.

Complaints and Feedback Panel
You will be supporting us to make sure that we are learning from our complaints and improving services as a result. You will work closely with our Customer Committee and ForHousing colleagues to identify issues and make sure we’re doing, what we say we’re going to do.

Customer & Tenant Reviewer
You can play a key role in making sure our Customer Service Standards are met throughout the year. This is done by reviews you will do such as mystery shopping through the Customer Connect Hub, inspections of caretaking and cleaning within high-rise and low-rise flats, and inspections of grounds maintenance within the estates.

Repairs and Maintenance Excellence Group
You can meet with us to share your views on the repairs services we deliver, so the homes we provide you are safe and well-maintained. You will also look at how we are performing, feedback about the service and complaints alongside ForHousing colleagues.

Scrutiny will give you the opportunity to be the voice of your community, make positive changes to our services and have your voice heard.
By joining our Scrutiny Team, you will look in detail at the services we deliver, what we do and why we do it and make recommendations to improve.
Click here to find out more
Customer Committee
The Customer Committee is made up of ten ForHousing tenants and community members that were selected from a group of over 140 people.
The committee members work together with the ForHousing board to co-create services that matter to you and your community.
By using their experience and knowledge of local issues, the Customer Committee help us make positive changes within your community.

We understand that not everybody has the time to join a specific group, but we always want to hear from you about how we’re doing. We have opportunities through the year for you to feedback. This could be a focus group and/or survey as well as developing new more formal opportunities for you to get involved. If you are interested in these roles please fill in the short form below.
To register you interest for any of the above roles, you can complete the online form below, email or call 0300 123 5522.