Homes and developments

Developments on site

Developments in the pipeline

Our development journey

Our development journey



Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

More than a home

More than a home





An overview of our development journey

At ForHousing we believe that a safe, well maintained home is the cornerstone on which people can build a foundation for success. 
We are committed to doing our bit to tackle the housing crisis with the delivery of new social and affordable homes across Salford, Knowsley, and Cheshire West in line with our ForHousing strategy.


Our investment in the development of 376 new homes last year

It included homes for social and affordable rent, shared ownership and market rent.


Our aim is to deliver a further 1,337 new homes over the next five years

The developments will be supported by internal financing and Homes England grant funding.

Our development journey

Our development journey

We’ve produced a document showcasing our developments. Click the button below to view it.

Click to view the document

Have your say

There are currently no upcoming resident consultation events, check back again soon.

There are currently no upcoming resident consultation events, check back again soon.

Frequently asked questions

What types of homes are we proposing to build?

All of our development pipeline and on-site information, including tenure & unit mix, is available in this section of our website.

How will the extra traffic impact on the roads?

We would liaise with Salford’s Highways team on this and discuss any requirements for traffic calming measures if they were necessary.

When will the works commence on site?

We are required to start on site within 3 years of obtaining planning approval, however we look to commence works much earlier than this. The site mobilisation period is 8-12 weeks from planning approval. Full details provided for individual sites will be available in this section.

How will the Contractor access sites?

Access to each site will depend on the individual Traffic Management Plan which is specific to each scheme. Details of these will be shared with local residents in writing prior to construction starting.

When do we anticipate having planning applications for pipeline schemes?

We anticipate a 3-6 month turnaround from submitting a planning application to receiving a decision notice. This can vary depending on the size and complexity of the scheme, as queries may arise from consultation and require further investigations or input from the wider project team. Full details can be found on the planning portal for the Local Authority where the development is being proposed.

How will updates be shared with residents on new build development?

The development section on the ForHousing website holds up to date information on our pipeline and on-site schemes. Further information on progress and completion of the schemes will be updated on our website or via our social media channels.

More than a home

£9 million development of 48 net zero-carbon homes pilot in Eccles completed

The site is the first to be built as part of our net zero carbon approach to development schemes and will see tenants’ running costs reduced and improved SAP ratings thanks to the use of air source heat pumps for heating and hot water, and individual EV car chargers for each home.

Click here to read more about Hallsworth Road

Latest news


51 new affordable homes completed in Eccles

Click to find out more


Six new homes in Eccles completed for those at risk of homelessness

Click to find out more


£9 million development of 48 net zero-carbon homes pilot in Eccles completed

Click to find out more


ForLiving offers modern, quality apartments and houses for sale, rent and Shared Ownership across the North West.

Click here to find out more about