How we are performing

We work together with tenants and listen to them and take action to improve the services we deliver. To find out how we’re doing visit any of the performance areas below. 

Together with tenants charter

Our charter has been developed by listening and working together with you, and other tenants. The charter helps us to create services that are person-centred, inclusive, and work for you.

Find out how we’re performing

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

We are listening to your views and want to know how you feel about the services we provide so we can act upon them.

Find out more about the measures set out by the regulator and how we are performing

Safe homes

We want you to be proud of where you live and we know this starts with a safe place to call home. We will work with you to maintain and deliver high quality repairs and maintenance.

Take a look at how we’re doing

Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvements Summary Report

Take a look at how we’ve performed.

Click here to find out more

Strategic outcomes

We also monitor how well we are doing against our strategic outcomes through a number of key measures against targets.

This shows areas where we are performing or where we need to improve