You may need to borrow some money for a short period of time to help you get through to your next payday, but it’s important that you always borrow from a genuine certified lender and avoid loan sharks. Borrowing money from loan sharks can be extremely dangerous.
What to do if you need to borrow money?
If you’re looking for a reputable place to borrow money from, a Credit Union is an option. Credit unions, where community members pool their savings to lend to one another, are a reliable source for loans and usually have lower interest rates. You will have to become a member and they may ask you to save an amount before you can borrow from them.
At ForHousing we have additional funding available, designed to help with a short-term need which you can’t afford. We can also help with advice on how to reduce debt, employment support, budgeting, benefits advice and checks and connecting you with other services. Follow the link to find out more – Live Well – ForHousing
One other thing to check is that you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. Many people are missing out on benefits that they are eligible for without even knowing it! To check, follow this link – Benefits calculators – GOV.UK (
The government also has loans and grants you may be able to apply for, like an interest-free budgeting loan from the Social Fund. For more information or to see if you are eligible for a loan from the fund, click here.
For more budgeting advice click here.