Together with tenants, we’re focusing on what matters and working towards delivering the promises we set out in our Together with Tenants Charter. Our quarter 1 performance, from April 2024 – June 2024, has now been published below.
The charter was launched in April 2023, and was developed with tenants over six-months, where we listened to you and gathered your feedback. A group of 14 tenant volunteers identified key issues that are important to you, that you wanted us to focus on so that we can help improve our services, and this shaped our Together with Tenants Charter.
From the issues raised from your feedback, five themes we’re created for us to monitor and make improvements. The below performance shows we’re on track in some areas. It also shows we haven’t got it quite right in others and that we still have lots to do, and our teams are working hard to reach our ambitious targets.
To view previous quarter targets, click on a link below:
We’ve been reflecting on how we’ve worked together to deliver the promises we set out in our first full year of the Together with Tenants Charter. We know we still have lots to do, but we the charter keeps us on track and means we won’t lose sight of what we’re trying to do.
Kate, tenant and Customer Committee member talks about her involvement and her thoughts one year on from when we launched, to read her blog, click here.
If you would like to see how we have delivered on all of our commitments this past year, view the booklet below:
Below is a key of what each of the faces mean:
Communication & Visibility
You told us that:
- We needed to get better at communicating with you
- You wanted to be kept informed on things that matter to you
- You wanted to know more about what we are doing to respond to your feedback and how we are improving services as a result
- You told us that you want ForHousing to be more visible in your community and for you to have the opportunity to talk to us in a way that suits your needs, including face to face
We know we haven’t got it quite right when measuring how we are doing with treating you fairly and with respect, and we are working with colleagues to put things in place so that you can be confident that you are being listened to and that we’re acting upon your needs.
We are currently undertaking a ‘Getting to know you’ project where we collect information about your household. We are asking you questions relating to how we can best communicate with you. For example, if you have sight differences and need a letter in large print, or if you have mobility issues that visitors to your home need to be aware of as it may take you longer to get to the door.
By asking you these questions we can help make sure the service you receive is fair and equal, and you are satisfied that we are treating your needs with respect.
of tenants are satisfied that we listen to your views and act upon them
of tenants are satisfied that we keep you informed about the things that matter to you
of tenants agree that we treat tenants fairly and with respect
TARGET SET: 1 minute, 30 seconds
seconds is the current average speed of answering tenants enquiries