Tenant transactional surveys are changing

Your feedback is invaluable; it holds us accountable and guides us in providing the best service possible. We are listening to what you tell us and will act on your feedback to make sure your needs are met quickly and that we continue to learn to improve our services for everyone.

Whenever you have received a service from us, you will be asked if you prefer contact as a text message, email or phone call, or if you would like to use our British Sign Language interpreter service.

For those tenants that are happy to receive digital contact, from 1st April 2024 we will move our transactional surveys from telephone surveys to text. After you have received a service from us, you will receive a SMS message with a link to the survey. You will be able to provide feedback on the services you’ve received.

This means that when we can see you prefer easy read format, or large font, or contrasting colours, the SMS message survey can be customised. If English is not your first language, we can send the survey with a link to translate to your preferred language option. We hope that these extra options will help all tenants who receive a service to give us their feedback. You are also able to opt out of the survey if you choose to.

Please do take part in surveys and share your thoughts so we can continue to learn and improve.