Tenant satisfaction measures

A new set of measures have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to make it really easy for you to see how we are performing.

At ForHousing we are listening to your views about the services we offer and act upon your them so we can improve.

The new measures focus on five key themes:

  • Keeping properties in good repair
  • Maintaining building safety
  • Effective handling of complaints
  • Respectful and helpful engagement
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

At ForHousing we are asking a company called KWEST to contact tenants by phone to ask for feedback in the above areas.  This is to ensure the surveys are carried out independently.

Each month we will ask around 90 tenants to give us their views.  Those contacted are chosen at random, but we do make sure that the total surveys are representative of tenants, such as age, ethnicity, and other characteristics. We also ensure the type and location of their homes is representative of the homes we manage.

We will then publish our results every few months so they are up to date. We know being surveyed by phone isn’t suitable for everyone, so we will carry out some surveys in other ways such as tenant meetings at our extra care schemes.

You can view more about the measures and how we are performance against them on the Tenant satisfaction measures page.