Support for tenants during the cost-of-living crisis

More tenants are struggling to make ends meet as a result of the cost of living crisis. ForHousing is continuing to put tenants at the heart of what it does through:

Live Well

Live Well funding for tenants who need help to meet a short-term need has been extended for another year. Since June 2022, funding has provided around 3,500 food parcels, essential items, furniture and has helped to pay energy bills so tenants can keep warm.

Better Together Fund

We were awarded £10,000 of funding from Knowsley Council’s Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund to offer practical items, advice and support, which was then match funded by the Council. The funding supports community groups to provide packed lunches for children during school holidays, hot meals for the elderly and vulnerable, enables residents to access subsidised food, essentials and wellbeing support.

Money support and advice

Through listening to, and working with you, we supported 267 people to successfully remain in their home, from advice on accessing benefits and how to manage money, to wellbeing support. This prevented evictions and brought £1.07m of extra money in for individual tenants.

Our income team also made over 21,057 contacts with tenants to discuss and work together on rent payments. Affordable repayment agreements were made with 5,025 tenants in arrears.

We have also developed content on our website that offers tenants practical information and advice, on debt and budgeting to how to access local support such as council hardship funds and food banks.

For more information on the type of support and information, click here to visit our money support section for tenants.