Listening to you and acting on your views to improve services

You are at the centre of everything we do. That’s why we’re committed to involving you, and listening and acting on your views to improve the services you receive. Recently, TPAS, an independent tenant engagement organisation, assessed how we engage with tenants and as a result they’ve told us that we’re showing a commitment to tenant involvement and are driving improvements across ForHousing.

TPAS told us our key strengths were the strength and impact of our Customer Committee, the involvement options we’ve co-created with you, including our Scrutiny Panel, and how everything links together to put you at the centre of everything we do.

TPAS also gave us some recommendations including being more open on the roles and responsibilities of our senior staff, especially around how we’re managing key risks and providing safe, well maintained homes.

We’re already acting on these recommendations. We want to continue to deliver on what matters to you and your communities and we know we can always do better. We promise we’ll keep listening to you, learn from where we go wrong and act upon your views to make sure you’re satisfied with the services you receive from us.