Energy saving tips

Summer is a great season to implement simple ways and tricks that can help you with energy saving. Starting to save energy in the summer will not only allow you to form good habits but will help you save on your energy bill all year round.

Here you’ll find useful tips on how to save energy and what support is available if you’re struggling with your bills and the cost of living. 

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Look after your appliances

Your freezer’s motor has to work harder and use more energy if ice builds inside of it. Your freezer will last longer if you regularly defrost it as it will have a more efficient motor.
Also, make sure to dust the freezer’s and refrigerator’s backs to allow heat to escape.

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Be smart with using water

You can reduce your hot water usage by choosing lower water temperatures and opting for a short shower instead of a bath. You could also wash your clothes at a lower temperature. It’s also best to wash only full loads of dishes and clothes to avoid running your appliances too much.

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Use your thermostat efficiently

Try to set your thermostat at a temperature you find comfortable. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your energy bill will be.

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Swap traditional light bulbs for LEDs

LED light bulbs are more energy-efficient, last longer, and produce more light than conventional lights. The bulbs don’t produce heat produced, they’ll keep your house cooler on hot summer nights.

If you're struggling with  your energy bills and the cost of living, you may be eligible for financial support

If you're struggling with your energy bills and the cost of living, you may be eligible for financial support

The government has introduced several extra payments to help with the cost of living if you are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits. You do not need to apply – please be aware of scams.

Check the government website to see if you are eligible or have yet not received the payment.

What support is available?

1. £900 Cost of Living Payment for low-income benefits and tax credits

2. £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment

3. £150 to £300 – pensioner “Winter Fuel Payment”

ForHousing’s Live Well Fund

If you are struggling with the rising cost of household prices and unable to top-up your energy meter, call us on 0300 123 55 22 to see what emergency support we can provide. Find out more about our Live Well Fund for tenants here.