Listening and learning

Listening to you and acting on your views

…through working together

…through working together

…through complaints

…through complaints

…through surveys

…through surveys

…through working together

Listening to the views of our tenants and acting upon them is important to us. This year we’ve made it easier for you to get involved and see how you are holding us to account. This is helping us to get better and keep you at the heart of our decision-making.

Our Together with Tenants Charter has been recognised as good practice by the National Housing Federation and was developed alongside tenants over a nine month period. The Charter details our commitments, based on what tenants told us was important. We report our progress to you on our website four times each year so we’re being open with you on where we’re getting it right, and where we need to improve.

Click the video below to find out more about the Together with Tenants Charter.

Together with Tenants

In other areas, members of our Scrutiny Panel have developed a new way of undertaking reviews of our services to make sure that we hear the voices of a wide range of people.

470 tenants also helped us to improve how we communicate with you. During the year, these tenants helped us to understand how they use our website and we worked with a focus group to test it and make sure it’s easy for you to find what you’re looking for. We listened to feedback and have also developed a ‘Did you know..?’ section on our website, giving examples of how you’ve helped us to make improvements. And working with a group of tenants, we also reviewed our rent statements and rent-setting letters, making improvements to the way (how) they look so they’re clearer and easier to understand.

From listening to tenants on what’s important, this year the Supported Housing Forum developed a money saving leaflet for older people. And following feedback from the Community Voice in Fitton Hill, a local area improvement grant was awarded to local volunteers to tackle fly-tipping through engagement with schools.

…through complaints

We know we can always do better. By listening to your opinions and feelings, we want to improve and make positive changes so that you feel satisfied with our services and trust us to deliver what we promise.

During 2022/23, you made 1,309 complaints about:

Reasons for complaintNo.%
Repairs and maintenance1,15188%
Neighbourhood and tenancy management474%
Reletting empty homes202%
Home improvements181%
Customer Connect Hub161%
Safety checks11<1%
Community safety11<1%
Home adaptations7<1%
Grounds maintenance6<1%
New homes being developed5<1%

How complaints were resolved

During the year, 1,090 Stage 1 complaints were closed, including some complaints from the previous year. A Stage 1 complaint is where we acknowledge and log your complaint so we investigate and resolve it.

We responded to 81% (884) Stage 1 complaints within target and 19% (206) were out of target. We want to do better than this in future.

106 tenants were dissatisfied with our Stage 1 response and escalated their complaint to Stage 2. This means we looked at the complaint again to consider whether it was fully dealt with.

We responded to 75% (79) of Stage 2 complaints within target. Again, we want to do much better than this in future.

During 2022/23, we received six maladministration determinations from the Housing Ombudsman relating to complaints escalated to them by tenants. This means the Ombudsman found we had not delivered the service to the standard we should have. These complaints mainly related to repairs.

Your feedback through complaints is really important to us. We’re focused on learning from the feedback we receive to improve our services because we know this is what matters to you.

We know we can do better and we’re working hard to improve how quickly we respond to complaints. Ensuring that we resolve as many complaints as possible when you first tell us about where we’ve gone wrong will be a key focus for the year ahead.

If you’re not happy with the service you’ve received and would like to make a complaint please visit our Compla­­ints and Feedback page

Click to visit now
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You said…

You were dissatisfied that your kitchen units were put back after damp works had been completed, as you felt they were damaged by the damp and should be replaced.

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We listened and…

We now inspect kitchens before any damp works take place to assess whether they are suitable to be refitted. This is discussed and agreed with each tenant. Where the kitchen is damaged, we then work with you to offer a choice of new kitchen and ensure it is ordered and ready to fit once the damp works are completed.

…through surveys

You are at the heart of what we do, what we decide and how we act. We completed 3,834 phone surveys with you about the services you received in 2022/23. 84% of you were satisfied.

Gas servicing

Below target


On target

Income management

On target


On target

Anti-social behaviour

On target

Complaints handling

On target

In relation to complaint handling, 50% is a stepped target as we look to improve our complaints handling process.

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You said...

“ForHousing sorted out my arrears to be in line with my pay day and it has put me at ease about not getting in further arrears. The service has given me a bit of structure regarding future rent payments.”

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You also said...

“It would have been better if ForHousing took into account the exceptional situation I am in and made some concessions to their protocol.”

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We listened and...

Our income team have all taken part in Collecting with Care training, which has helped us to become more tenant-focused in our approach to rent collection, listening to individual circumstances.