Simple swaps in the home to save money and energy

We understand that winter might be a worrying time for you – especially with the high energy prices. We’re here to help you in any way we can. The best way to become savvier with your energy costs is by understanding some of your household habits and trying to make swaps where you can. You might be surprised that these very simple swaps could save you a good amount in the long run, as well as help the environment.

Turn down your thermostat down by one degree

Did you know that changing the temperature of your thermostat to just one degree lower could save you £80 a year? While you won’t notice much of a difference in the temperature, your bank account certainly will. It’s a good idea to set your thermostat on a timer too so that your heating will only come on when you need it.

Run your heating for an hour less every day

Using slightly less energy each day will add up over time to save you some money. One of the best ways to do this is by running your heating for an hour less each day. We’d recommend turning the heating off and going to bed an hour earlier. You’ll be nice and cosy, so won’t really notice the heating going off anyway!

Close curtains and blinds on at night

 A large part of reducing the amount of energy you use is by ensuring you keep the heat inside your home. An easy change you can make is to close your curtains and blinds at night, rather than leaving them open. This could stop heat loss by up to 17%! Just remember to make sure that your curtains don’t cover your radiators, as this could result in the heat getting trapped between the curtain and the window.

Swap large pans for smaller ones

When you’re cooking a meal on the hob, it’s worth checking to see if you could use a smaller pan rather than a larger one. This is because the smaller the pan is, the less energy you’ll need to heat it up. It’s also important to keep the lids on your pans when cooking, as it means the food will cook quicker and reduce condensation in the kitchen.

Use LED or CFL bulbs

Swapping your traditional light bulbs for either a CFL or LED bulb will save you at least £2 per year for every bulb you change. You can opt for either type of bulb to save some money on electricity costs, as both types will use less energy. While the cost of these bulbs to buy is slightly higher than traditional ones, you’ll see that they last a lot longer. This means you’re saving money on bulb replacements and your electricity bill.

Turn your water temperature down

A large amount of your energy bills will go on hot water for baths, showers and washing up. One way to save yourself some money on hot water is to turn your water temperature down. Usually, this will be set at 80 degrees, but 65 degrees will work just as well.

Unplug your chargers

When you’re charging up electronic devices like phones or laptops, it’s good to get into the habit of unplugging them from the wall once they’ve reached full charge. It can be easy to forget about them, which means they’re kept plugged in on full charge. Not only does this waste your valuable energy, but it could also worsen the battery life of your device. By making this swap you could save up to £60 a year.

Check the cheapest energy times with your supplier

All energy suppliers have peak and off-peak pricing for electricity and gas. Where possible, it’s best to avoid using too much electricity and gas during the peak hours, as you’ll be paying more for it. Every supplier has different off-peak times, so it’s worth looking on their website to find out.

We hope that our blog has helped to provide you with some top tips to try and reduce your energy bills this winter. It’s important to remember that if you’re struggling financially, talk to us so we can help provide support. You can reach out to us by emailing, chatting with us at, or calling us on 0300 123 55 22.

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