Here's how you can take the next steps in your career!

We want to support you to continue your path to a positive future, whatever that means for you!

From helping you get back into work or a volunteering role, to joining a new social group and making new friends, we have plenty of opportunities just for you.

Here are a few of the schemes that can help you build a positive future:

National Careers Service

We provide careers information, advice and guidance. We can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.

The National Careers Service is Government funded and offers personalised careers information, advice, and guidance across the UK. ​

The service is offered to anyone over the age of 18 via 1-2-1 or group sessions and these sessions will be held face to face or digital and can be done through social media platforms.

You do not need to be unemployed to receive the support. ​

The sessions will improve knowledge and skills to support you with gaining employment, career development or completing a particular qualification!

Click here to visit The National Careers Service Website!

Google Digital Garage

Since 2015, Google Digital Garage has helped train over 700,000 people to help them find a job or  grow their career or business by offering free courses You can complete beginner courses to advance, allowing you to gain essential skills that are in high demand such as digital marketing, leadership and data skills. Click here to visit the Google Digital Garage website to find out more!


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