Home contents insurance

We know that your home and your belongings are important to you, that’s why we want you to be prepared for when the unexpected happens.

Nobody can predict when an event like a fire, flood or burglary is going to happen, so making sure you have home contents insurance cover for your belongings could really make a difference and help you recover as quickly as possible.

As a landlord we are responsible for insuring the building and not your belongings. It’s important to have home contents insurance to make sure your belongings are protected.

Home contents insurance is a great way to cover the cost of electrical items or furniture.

We work with the UK’s largest insurer, Aviva, so instead of having to pay upfront for the year, you can choose to pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. Make sure to mention you’re a ForHousing tenant at sign up to set up your re-occurring payment.

Unlike some insurance policies, there are no excesses so you will not have to pay anything in the event of a claim.

To take the important step to protect your home and belongings against unexpected events, apply online and complete the form.

Download form

If you’d like to find out more about our insurance policy, you can download the full document here.

If you’d like to speak to us about contents insurance, please give us a call on 0300 123 55 22 or complete the online form below:

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