We need your views to shape our tenant app – MyAccount+

So that we can keep putting you at the heart of our decision making, we need your views to help shape our tenant app and web portal, MyAccount+. We want to listen and learn to any feedback you might have, and act upon your thoughts and opinions to make positive changes. If you do not use the web portal/app we still want to hear from you!

How to get involved

Fill out a survey and you’ll be entered into a draw to win a £50 voucher
We estimate it to take 5 – 15 minutes. This is dependent on how much detail you give. Click here to fill out the survey.

Attend a one hour focus group, and receive a £25 voucher

We’re hosting focus groups at our office in Regent Street that will take place on:

  • Tuesday 13 February, 4pm – 5pm
  • Wednesday 14 February, 4pm – 5pm

What to expect?

  • A group of about 10 other tenants
  • 3 ForHousing staff members
  • You will be asked general questions to get more of your thoughts on MyAccount+, other apps you use and what you would want from the ForHousing app/web portal

What will you need to do?

  • Give your honest opinions and answers to our questions
  • Treat all those who attend with fairness and respect

To attend a focus group, register your interest when completing the MyAccount+ survey by clicking here. Places are limited.

Listening and learning from you is key to helping us deliver customer-focused services that you’re satisfied with, getting your thoughts on the MyAccount+ app/web portal will help us shape what we do in the future – putting you at the centre of our decision making.

Closing date to have you say is Monday 5 February at 12 noon.

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