Working with Fitton Hill Bulldogs to positively contribute to neighbourhoods 

We want to work with you to make a difference to where you live and positively impact your life and neighbourhoods.  

We have three main types of funding available to make a difference, the Community Fund, the Local Area Improvement Fund and Community Group Grants.  

Fitton Hill Bulldogs are one of the community sports groups that have benefited from the Community Fund and the Local Area Improvement Fund. 

Marilyn, a volunteer for the Fitton Hill Bulldogs, has shared her story and the difference that the funding has made to their services: 

Back in September 2019, we obtained a 25 year lease from Oldham Council for a 9.4 acre playing field where sporting activities such as rugby and football could take place.  It took the club 10 years of negotiations with Oldham Council to achieve this. 

At the same time, we were given an ex-NHS prefab building that had been set on fire and vandalised before we received it.  We were determined to strip the building and re-build it with a view to it becoming a community centre for everyone to use. 

As time passed, we obtained funding from various organisations including ForHousing as well as holding our own fund-raising events. 

ForHousing have helped us obtain things such as fencing and enabled us to build a decking area for the outside of the building.  This funding came from the Local Area Improvement Fund. 

They have also provided us with funding from the Community Fund in the sum of £500 per year which has allowed us to purchase things such as kitchen equipment and security cameras for the outside of the building. 

Liberty have also helped through their social value commitments, and they have been a tremendous support by supplying trades people such as plumbers, joiners and plasterers as well as supplying doors and materials that were needed to complete the work. 


Without both organisations supporting us, I have no doubt that the building (which has taken 5 years to complete) would not be open yet. 

We are extremely grateful to both organisations for their support and look forward to continuing to work alongside them in the future.

The building opened in May 2024, and we have achieved so much:

  • We are now able to allow an adult support group to use the building for three days a week.
  • We provide yoga sessions and low-cost meals to the older people in the area one day a week.
  • We hold coffee and chat sessions to the over 60s where they can participate in playing games such as chess, draughts, dominos etc or craft sessions such as knitting and crocheting.
  • We now also have two football clubs, both junior and adult, who use the playing field and clubhouse.

With all the support we have received, I am sure the building and playing field will be used by the community for many, many years to come.   

As we have around 300 new homes being built in the area, I am sure our facility will allow our new neighbours the chance to become involved in various activities and to feel part of the community. 

Thank you for all of your support and help as an organisation! 

Volunteer at The Bulldogs 


We know how important it is to give back to our communities and contribute to neighbours. The funding has been important in the development of Fitton Hill Bull Dogs, that will positively impact the lives of many for years to come. 

If you would like to learn more about the funding available, or apply for your community group or local area, click here.