Community Safety Officers

We all have a role to play in creating safer neighbourhoods and we know how important is for you to feel safe in your home. We are here for you when you raise concerns and report anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse or hate behaviour.

Our Community Safety Team are specialists in this area and have worked on many cases. They will listen to you, and make sure your concerns are heard – working together with you to make sure you are satisfied with the service you receive and that you feel safe in your home.

Community Safety Officers can help with:

Investigating any issues or concerns you may have about anti-social behaviour

Signposting and making referrals if you need extra help from partners such as the Police and specialist Domestic Abuse or Hate Crime services

Where appropriate, providing ring doorbells, outdoor sensor lights, letter box covers and other things that may help you to feel safer in your home

Keeping in regular contact with you to keep you updated on what we are doing to tackle any issues you have reported

Where appropriate, working with you to put in noise monitoring equipment to gather independent evidence of noise nuisance

If you need to raise a concern about your safety or if you’re experiencing anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse or hate behaviour click here to see how we can help and support you. If you’re in immediate danger, please call 999 immediately.

There is also help available from your local council and the Police, if further support is needed. Here’s some of the things they can help with: